Episode 19: “How Embracing Tik Tok Can Help Your Business"
lot of people think Tik Tok is all about song and dance, but it can be so much more for your business. Natasha Rawls, of The MRL Group, gives us her approach to using it and tells us how it’s not only helped her develop more meaningful, long lasting relationships with clients, but also how it’s helped build her brand recognition.
Posts like this one really help entrepreneurs connect with their customers in a more personal way that makes them more relatable outside of the everyday business.
But if you’re camera shy, your posts don’t even have to include you at all. Here one she recorded at a trade show to give her audience a sneak peak at amazing new product…The QuickFlip!
Here’s another one where’s she’s showing another cool demonstration on the show floor. Even if you didn’t appear in any of your posts, you can still bring something fun to your audience that will make them want to tune in. You’re still giving them a window into your personal experiences, and also giving clients who follow along something else you can talk about besides orders.
In this episode, Natasha talks more about her videos and her approach to putting these together, so be sure to listen in.