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5 Ways To Connect Better With Your Employees


hen running a business, there are many factors to consider to be successful. While you need a solid business plan, and an on-point product that is appealing to customers, arguably the most important factor in running a successful business is the people on your team. A happy team leads to a happily run business, and the statistics prove it. A study by Gallup showed that companies with the most engaged teams are the most productive and profitable. Another study by the Society for Human Resource Management showed that 74 percent of survey respondents stated that their relationship with their supervisor was in the top five most important factors influencing their engagement at work. As a supervisor of a team, it is in the best interest of your company, your employees’ happiness, and likely your own to develop a good rapport between you and your team.

Here are five ways to better connect with your employees:

Communication is Key

No relationship works without open and honest communication. Establishing a company culture of open and accessible communication between management and employees will help you get to know the people working for you (their strengths, what projects they’re best suited for, etc), improve team spirit, a sense of togetherness, and also prevent miscommunication down the line.

Implement Concrete Goals

In order for employees to track and feel their own progress, and for you to keep track, you need to set concrete goals and hold your team accountable. Set both team and individual meetings that allow for facetime between you and your employees. This keeps everyone in the loop, and shows everyone what great progress they are making, not only as individuals, but also as a team. Nothing builds team spirit like successfully crossing off a to-do list and collaboratively setting goals!

Celebrate A Job Well Done

Research has repeatedly shown the benefit of recognizing a job well done on a company’s success and productivity. Yet, many managers fail to take the time to do just that. Everyone wants to feel that their hard work has been seen and appreciated. Be sure to take the time to celebrate good work, whether it’s a quick thank you email/note or a heartfelt comment, your employees will appreciate it.

Make Time

As the owner of a company or manager of a team, your days are probably busy. It can feel hard to find time for many tasks, especially meeting with an employee to discuss a new idea or a project. However, if you want to make meaningful connections with your employees, make the time! That doesn’t mean you need to immediately drop what you’re doing right away, but putting in the effort to find time during your busy schedule to meet with them, will show that you care.

Help Get It Done

Got a huge deadline looming? Jump in the trenches and help get the work done. During busy times, leading by example, with an all-hands on deck approach, will show your employees that you care, that a team effort is always expected, and that you don’t feel you’re above them or the work that they do. You may be the boss, but don’t be afraid to be a team player too!

What methods of connecting with your employees have you found most helpful? Let us know in the comments below!

Mar 1, 2020