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How to Print on Quikflip Hoodies Like A Pro

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How to Print on Quikflip Hoodies Like A Pro

s an S&S exclusive, Quikflip has taken our industry by storm, giving decorators and distributors an opportunity for greater profits, and their clients, more opportunites for impressions. If you’ve never seen it before, the Quikflip isn’t just any ordinary hoodie. In the blink of an eye, it can transform into a handy drawstring backpack, making it easier to transport, while also giving you some extra cargo space.

For clients, this is a huge game changer, because normally when someone stops wearing a hoodie, their branding stops getting impressions. If someone takes off their Quikflip hoodie, though, they'll most likely be turning it into a bag, which will also have their branding printed on it as well.

It gives clients a way to maximize their investment, in a way that was never before available in the apparel space, by giving their branding double the opportunities for exposure. Quikflip apparel is also not something people will want to toss away. They'll want to wear it all the time, because of it's comfort and functionality. Decorators and distributors can capitalize on this by upselling more locations for decoration, per piece.

However, sometimes having more options can make things more confusing. That's why Rener Gracie, founder of Quikflip Apparel, and Brian Geffen, President of Duds by Dudes, got together to help everyone get a better understanding of how to go about decorating these one-of-a-kind hoodies and show just how creative you can get with them. Check out the video below to see all the magic take place!

Jun 27, 2021